
from all most died to a freelancer

  Once upon a time, there was woman very happy in her life she worked in marketing at big company , every day she would wake up early and go to work , she loved her work because at this company she had her one desk her own laptop it was nice but then one day, a virus attack not just her or her country but the whole world and that virus name was “corona” because of than many company close or let people go, she went home then got sick and sicker she went to the doctor as it turn out she had corona it got so sad and lonely not only she had no job and got sick with that new & dangers virus ,she wanted to see what friends were doing so she opened Facebook some news here and there but then she found some thing call digital marketing FWD – from Udacity she clicked on the link, she found there was something called working from home and freelancing job in marketing . she better and better, she had recovered from corona but she still out of job. until finally she remembered the course from U